Associations with cluster membership


December 13, 2024


if (file.exists("/.dockerenv")) { # Check if running in Docker
  # Assume igmm/cvallejo-predicct/libdr/ is passed to the data volume
  prefix <- "data/"
} else {
  # Assume running outside of a Docker container and the IGC(/IGMM) datastore is
  # mounted at /Volumes
  prefix <- "/Volumes/igmm/cvallejo-predicct/libdr/"

#--     Packages       --#

# Support package (source found in libdr/)
## Modelling ##
library(nnet) # Multinomial logistic regression
## Survival analysis
## Presentation ##


dict <- readRDS(paste0(prefix, "processed/dict.RDS"))
fcal <- readRDS(paste0(prefix, "processed/fcal.RDS"))
model.fc <- readRDS(paste0(prefix, "/cache/fcal/ncs/fcal-8.RDS"))
crp <- readRDS(paste0(prefix, "processed/crp.RDS"))
crp.median <- readRDS(paste0(prefix, "processed/median-crp.RDS"))
model.crp <- readRDS(paste0(prefix, "cache/crp-ma/crp-8.RDS"))

This page explores potential associations between information available at diagnosis, or shortly thereafter, and cluster membership. A descriptive analysis of baseline variables in described in a previous page.

For univariate analyses, continuous data have been analysed via ANOVA, and categorical data have been analysed using chi-squared or Fisher’s exact test as appropriate. Time-to-event data have been analysed using log-rank tests of Kaplan-Meier curves.

Multivariate analyses were also performed to potentially adjust for confounding factors.

As faecal calprotectin (FC) and C-reactive protein (CRP) were analysed independently, this page is split into FC and CRP sections.

Faecal calprotectin analysis

Merge subject-level metadata with model-derived quantities

Here, we create a data.frame that combines individual-level information (e.g. age at diagnosis, sex) with model-derived quantities, such as the posterior probabilities of class assignment. To facilitate visualisation, we also create discretised versions for some variables.

myDF.fc <- fcal %>%
  group_by(ids) %>%
  summarise( = n(),
            followup = max(calpro_time),) %>%
  mutate(followup_cut = cut(followup, breaks = c(0, 2, 4, 6, 7)),
         n.total_cut = cut(, breaks = c(0, 5, 10, 20, max(
myDF.fc <- merge(myDF.fc, model.fc$pprob, by = "ids", all.x = FALSE, all.y = TRUE)
myDF.fc <- myDF.fc %>% 
  mutate(probmax = pmax(prob1, prob2, prob3, prob4, 
                        prob5, prob6, prob7, prob8)) #, prob9, prob10))
myDF.fc <- merge(myDF.fc, dict, by = "ids", all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)

myDF.fc <- myDF.fc %>%
  mutate(class_order = plyr::mapvalues(
    class, from = seq_len(8), to = c(7, 6, 4, 8, 1, 5, 2, 3))) %>%
  mutate(class_order = factor(
    class_order, levels = 1:8, labels = paste0("FC", 1:8))) %>%
  mutate(prob_order1 = prob5, prob_order2 = prob7,
         prob_order3 = prob8, prob_order4 = prob3,
         prob_order5 = prob6, prob_order6 = prob2,
         prob_order7 = prob1, prob_order8 = prob4)

Uncertainty cluster assignment probabilities

First, we calculate the proportion of individuals assigned to each cluster with probability above 0.5.

p1 <- myDF.fc %>% 
  group_by(class_order) %>%
  summarise(prop50 = 100*mean(probmax > 0.5),
            prop75 = 100*mean(probmax > 0.75)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = class_order, y = prop50)) +
  ylim(c(0,100)) +
  xlab("Assigned cluster") +
  ylab("% assigned with prob > 0.5") +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +


Next, we calculate average posterior probabilities of cluster assignment.

myDF.fc_means <- myDF.fc %>% 
  group_by(class_order, followup_cut) %>%
  summarise(across(starts_with("prob_order"), function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)),
            .groups = "drop") %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("prob_order"), names_to = "prob_order")

Figure 1 shows how cluster assignment probabilities change as follow-up for subjects increases. As one would expect, probabilities typically increase as as follow-up increases. This relationship appears to depend upon when the mean trajectory for the assigned cluster substantially differs from the other clusters. FC8 shows high posterior probabilities with even short follow-up as this is the only cluster with low FC at diagnosis. However, longer follow-ups are required to distinguish other clusters. For example, individuals assigned to FC6 that have a short follow-up (< 4 years from diagnosis) have, on average, a high probability of being assigned to FC3 instead ( versus ). This is not unexpected, as FC3 and FC6 share similar patterns within the first 2 years.

# Assign level order otherwise alphanumerical order used 
# and add sample sizes to labels
myDF.fc_means <- myDF.fc_means %>%
  mutate(prob_order = factor(prob_order,
                             levels = c(paste0("prob_order", 1:8)),
                             labels = c(paste0("FC", 1:8))),
         class_order = factor(class_order,
                              levels = paste0("FC", 1:8),
                              labels = paste0("Assigned to FC", 1:8, "\n n = ",

fc_fup <- myDF.fc_means %>%
  ggplot(aes(fill = prob_order, y = value, x = followup_cut)) +
  geom_bar(position = "fill", stat = "identity") +
  facet_wrap(.~class_order, ncol = 4) + 
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(legend.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
        strip.background = element_rect(color = "lightgray",
                                         linewidth = 1.5,
                                         linetype="solid")) +
  labs(x = "Follow-up cutoff (years)",
       y = "",
       fill = "Mean posterior\nprobability of\ncluster assignment") +
  scale_fill_viridis_d(option = "inferno") 

# p + scale_fill_viridis_d(option = "D") 
# p + scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Blues")

ggsave("plots/fc-prob-fup.png", fc_fup, width = 11, height = 8, units = "in")
ggsave("plots/fc-prob-fup.pdf", fc_fup, width = 11, height = 8, units = "in")
Figure 1: Demonstration of how mean posterior probabilities of cluster assignment for subjects changes based upon follow-up and assigned cluster.

Associations with respect to cluster assignments

This section displays descriptive plots to summarize marginal associations between cluster assignments and individual-level covariates. We also explore univariate and multivariate associations with respect to cluster assignment using multinomial logistic regression. As a sensitivity analysis, we also consider restricting the analysis to only consider individuals whose class assignment was less uncertain (with posterior probability > 0.5).

For all individuals

Here, we consider associations with respect to information available at diagnosis: age, sex and IBD type.

p_diagnosis_all <- myDF.fc %>%
  plotCat("diagnosis", class = "class_order") 

p_sex_all <- myDF.fc %>%
  plotCat("sex", class = "class_order")

p_age_all <- myDF.fc %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = class_order, y = age)) +
  geom_violin(fill = "#5DB7DE", color = "#434371") +
  geom_boxplot(width=0.1, color="black", alpha=0.2) +
  theme_minimal() +
  xlab("Cluster") +
  ylab("Age at diagnosis")
p_mlr_all <- myDF.fc %>%
  mutate(class_order = relevel(class_order, ref = "FC4")) %>%
  mlrPlot(var = c("diagnosis", "age", "sex"), class = "class_order") 
p <- wrap_elements(p_diagnosis_all) +
  wrap_elements(p_mlr_all$plot_both$`diagnosisUlcerative Colitis` + 
                  p_mlr_all$plot_both$`diagnosisIBDU` +
                  plot_layout(guides = "collect") &
                  theme(legend.position = "bottom")) +
  plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A") + 
  plot_layout(widths = c(1.25, 2)) &
  theme(plot.tag = element_text(face = "bold", size = 22)) 

       width = 15,
       height = 12,
       units = "in",
       create.dir = TRUE)


p <- (wrap_elements(p_age_all) + p_mlr_all$plot_both$age & theme(legend.position = "none")) /
  (wrap_elements(p_sex_all) + p_mlr_all$plot_both$sexMale +
                  plot_layout(guides = "collect") &
                  theme(legend.position = "bottom")) +
  plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A") +
  plot_layout(widths = c(1, 1)) &
  theme(plot.tag = element_text(face = "bold", size  = 22))

       width = 12,
       height = 12,
       units = "in")

Restricted to those with posterior probability > 0.5

p_diagnosis <- myDF.fc %>%
  filter(probmax > 0.5) %>%
  plotCat("diagnosis", class = "class_order") 

p_sex <- myDF.fc %>%
  filter(probmax > 0.5) %>%
  plotCat("sex", class = "class_order")

p_age <- myDF.fc %>%
  filter(probmax > 0.5) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = class_order, y = age)) +
  geom_violin(fill = "#5DB7DE", color = "#434371") +
  geom_boxplot(width=0.1, color="black", alpha=0.2) +
  theme_minimal() +
  xlab("Cluster") +
  ylab("Age at diagnosis")

p_mlr <- myDF.fc %>%
  filter(probmax > 0.5) %>%
  mutate(class_order = relevel(class_order, ref = "FC4")) %>%
  mlrPlot(var = c("diagnosis", "age", "sex"), class = "class_order") # , "baseline_fc"

#wrap_elements(p_diagnosis_all) +
#  wrap_elements(p_mlr_all$plot_both$`diagnosisUlcerative Colitis` + 
#                  p_mlr_all$plot_both$`diagnosisIBDU` + plot_layout(guides = "collect")) +
#  plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A", title = "All subjects")

#(wrap_elements(p_age_all) + p_mlr_all$plot_both$age) /
#  (wrap_elements(p_sex_all) + p_mlr_all$plot_both$sexMale) +
#    plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A", title = "All subjects")

#wrap_elements(p_diagnosis_all) +
#  wrap_elements(p_mlr_all$plot_everything$`diagnosisUlcerative Colitis` + 
#                  p_mlr_all$plot_everything$`diagnosisIBDU` + plot_layout(guides = "collect")) +
#  plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A", title = "All subjects")

#(wrap_elements(p_age_all) + p_mlr_all$plot_everything$age) /
#  (wrap_elements(p_sex_all) + p_mlr_all$plot_everything$sexMale) +
#    plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A", title = "All subjects")

Some statistics to be used in the text:

#myDF.fc %>%
#  mutate(class_aux = ifelse(class_order %in% c("FC6"), class_order, "Other")) %>%
#  group_by(class_aux, diagnosis) %>%
#  summarise(count = n()) %>%
#  mutate(percentage = (count / sum(count) * 100)) %>%
#  knitr::kable()

myDF.fc %>%
  mutate(class_aux = ifelse(class_order %in% c("FC1", "FC8"), class_order, "Other")) %>%
  group_by(class_aux, diagnosis) %>%
  summarise(count = n()) %>%
  mutate(percentage = (count / sum(count) * 100)) %>%
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'class_aux'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
class_aux diagnosis count percentage
1 Crohn’s Disease 88 62.85714
1 Ulcerative Colitis 34 24.28571
1 IBDU 18 12.85714
8 Crohn’s Disease 139 71.64948
8 Ulcerative Colitis 29 14.94845
8 IBDU 26 13.40206
Other Crohn’s Disease 317 45.15670
Other Ulcerative Colitis 317 45.15670
Other IBDU 68 9.68661
myDF.fc %>%
  mutate(class_aux = ifelse(class_order %in% c("FC7"), class_order, "Other")) %>%
  group_by(class_aux, diagnosis) %>%
  summarise(count = n()) %>%
  mutate(percentage = (count / sum(count) * 100)) %>%
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'class_aux'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
class_aux diagnosis count percentage
7 Crohn’s Disease 69 28.278689
7 Ulcerative Colitis 154 63.114754
7 IBDU 21 8.606557
Other Crohn’s Disease 475 59.974747
Other Ulcerative Colitis 226 28.535353
Other IBDU 91 11.489899

Crohn’s disease only

For CD patients, we also consider additional phenotyping information. This includes the following information:


This is recorded as a binary (Yes/No) variable and is primarily based on self-reporting. As such, it may not necessarily reflect true smoking status. Smoking was missing for approximately 5% of CD patients in the FC cohort.

Montreal location

Montreal location refers to where gastrointestinal inflammation is present and is categorised as:

  • L1: Ileal, limited to the ileum which is the final segment of the small intestine.
  • L2: Colonic, limited to the colon/large intestine.
  • L3: Ileocolonic, inflammation is present in both the ileum and colon.

Montreal location was missing for approximately 1% of CD patients in the FC cohort.

Montreal behaviour

Montreal behaviour describes another clinical phenotype and is defined as follows:

  • B1: Inflammatory, in other words non-stricturing and non-penetrating
  • B2: Stricturing, where the formation of fibrosis leads to the narrowing of the intestine.
  • B3: Penetrating, where the inflammation causes the formation of fistulas or abscesses.

Due to small numbers, B2 and B3 are merged into a single group (complicated CD) when analysing Montreal behaviour.

myDF.fc <- myDF.fc %>%
  mutate(Behaviour_merged = plyr::mapvalues(Behaviour,
                                      from = c("B1", "B2", "B3", NA),
                                      to = c("B1", "B2 or B3", "B2 or B3", NA)))

Montreal behaviour was missing for approximately 2% of CD patients in the FC cohort.

Upper GI inflammation

Upper GI inflammation refers to any gastrointestinal inflammation further up than the ileum. Usually, upper inflammation is considered a modifier for Montreal location and is denoted L4. Upper GI inflammation (L4) was missing for a high proportion of CD individuals in the FC cohort (approx 33%. This is because the required investigations are only carried out where upper GI inflammation is suspected. As such, we have manually mapped missing L4 values as “No” (i.e. no upper GI inflammation for the associated patients).

myDF.fc <- myDF.fc %>%
  mutate(L4 = ifelse(!, L4, "No"))

Perianal disease

Perianal disease is considered a modifier for Montreal behaviour and is a severe complication of Crohn’s disease involving inflammation around the anus.

Perianal disease status was missing for approximately 1% of CD patients in the FC cohort.

NOTE: For the purposes of the multinomial logistic regression model, individuals with missing values in any of these variables will be excluded. For consistency, such individuals will also be excluded from the univariate summary plots.

For this purpose, we create a missingness indicator (missingN_cd) which will facilitate the application of such filter.

myDF.fc <- myDF.fc %>%
  mutate(missingN_cd = + + + 

with(myDF.fc[myDF.fc$diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease",], table(missingN_cd > 0))

  513    31 

As shown above, 31 will be excluded hereafter.

Here is the code to explore the associations:

p_sex_cd <- myDF.fc %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease") %>%
  filter(missingN_cd == 0) %>%
  plotCat("sex", class = "class_order")

p_age_cd <- myDF.fc %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease") %>%
  filter(missingN_cd == 0) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = class_order, y = age)) +
  geom_violin(fill = "#5DB7DE", color = "#434371") +
  geom_boxplot(width=0.1, color="black", alpha=0.2) +
  theme_minimal() +
  xlab("Cluster") +
  ylab("Age at diagnosis")

p_smoke_cd <- myDF.fc %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease") %>%
  filter(missingN_cd == 0) %>%
  mutate(Smoke = ifelse(!, Smoke, "Missing")) %>%
  plotCat("Smoke", class = "class_order")

p_location_cd <- myDF.fc %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease") %>%
  filter(missingN_cd == 0) %>%
  mutate(Location = ifelse(!, Location, "Missing")) %>%
  plotCat("Location", class = "class_order")

p_behaviour_cd <- myDF.fc %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease") %>%
  filter(missingN_cd == 0) %>%
  mutate(Behaviour = ifelse(!, Behaviour_merged, "Missing")) %>%
  plotCat("Behaviour", class = "class_order")

p_L4_cd <- myDF.fc %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease") %>%
  filter(missingN_cd == 0) %>%
  mutate(L4 = ifelse(!, L4, "Missing")) %>%
  plotCat("L4", class = "class_order")

p_perianal_cd <- myDF.fc %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease") %>%
  filter(missingN_cd == 0) %>%
  mutate(Perianal = ifelse(!, Perianal, "Missing")) %>%
  plotCat("Perianal", class = "class_order")

p_mlr_cd <- myDF.fc %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease") %>%
  filter(missingN_cd == 0) %>%
  mutate(class_order = relevel(class_order, ref = "FC4")) %>%
  mlrPlot(var = c("age", "sex", 
                  "Smoke", "Location", "L4", "Behaviour_merged", "Perianal"), 
          class = "class_order")
(wrap_elements(p_age_cd) + p_mlr_cd$plot_both$age) /
  (wrap_elements(p_sex_cd) + p_mlr_cd$plot_both$sexMale) +
    plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A", title = "CD patients only")

p <- wrap_elements(p_smoke_cd) +
  (p_mlr_cd$plot_both$SmokeYes & theme(legend.position = "bottom")) + 
  plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A") &
  theme(plot.tag = element_text(face = "bold", size = 22)) 

       width = 12,
       height = 12,
       units = "in")
p <- wrap_elements(p_location_cd) + 
  wrap_elements(p_mlr_cd$plot_both$LocationL2 + p_mlr_cd$plot_both$LocationL3 + 
     plot_layout(guides = "collect") &
                  theme(legend.position = "bottom")) + 
  plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A") + 
  plot_layout(widths = c(1.25, 2)) &
  theme(plot.tag = element_text(face = "bold", size = 22)) 

       width = 15,
       height = 12,
       units = "in")

p <- wrap_elements(p_L4_cd) +
  (p_mlr_cd$plot_both$L4Yes & theme(legend.position = "bottom")) +
  plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A") &
  theme(plot.tag = element_text(face = "bold", size = 22)) 

       width = 12,
       height = 12,
       units = "in")


p <- wrap_elements(p_behaviour_cd) +
  (p_mlr_cd$plot_both$`Behaviour_mergedB2 or B3` & theme(legend.position = "bottom")) +
  plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A") &
  theme(plot.tag = element_text(face = "bold", size = 22)) 
       width = 12,
       height = 12,
       units = "in")

p <- wrap_elements(p_perianal_cd) +
  (p_mlr_cd$plot_both$PerianalYes & theme(legend.position = "bottom")) + 
  plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A") &
  theme(plot.tag = element_text(face = "bold", size = 22)) 

       width = 12,
       height = 12,
       units = "in")


(wrap_elements(p_age_cd) + p_mlr_cd$plot_everything$age) /
  (wrap_elements(p_sex_cd) + p_mlr_cd$plot_everything$sexMale) +
    plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A", title = "CD patients only")

wrap_elements(p_smoke_cd) + p_mlr_cd$plot_everything$SmokeYes + 
  plot_annotation(title = "CD patients only")

wrap_elements(p_location_cd) + 
  (p_mlr_cd$plot_everything$LocationL2 + p_mlr_cd$plot_everything$LocationL3 + 
     plot_layout(guides = "collect")) + 
  plot_annotation(title = "CD patients only")

wrap_elements(p_L4_cd) + p_mlr_cd$plot_everything$L4Yes +
  plot_annotation(title = "CD patients only")

wrap_elements(p_behaviour_cd) + p_mlr_cd$plot_everything$`Behaviour_mergedB2 or B3` +
  plot_annotation(title = "CD patients only")

wrap_elements(p_perianal_cd) + p_mlr_cd$plot_everything$PerianalYes + 
  plot_annotation(title = "CD patients only")

Some statistics to be used in the text:

#myDF.fc %>%
#  filter(diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease") %>%
#  filter(missingN_cd == 0) %>%
#  mutate(class_aux = ifelse(class_order %in% c("FC1", "FC2"), class_order, "Other")) %>%
#  group_by(class_aux, L4) %>%
#  summarise(count = n()) %>%
#  mutate(percentage = (count / sum(count) * 100)) %>%
#  knitr::kable()

Ulcerative Colitis only

The additional phenotyping information available for UC patients consists of:


This is defined in the same way as for CD patients.

Smoking was missing for approximately 6% of UC patients in the FC cohort.


NOTE: As for CD cases, individuals with missing values in any of these variables will be excluded from the association analysis. For consistency, such individuals will also be excluded from the univariate summary plots.

For this purpose, we create a missingness indicator (missingN_uc) which will facilitate the application of such filter.

myDF.fc <- myDF.fc %>%
  mutate(missingN_uc = +
with(myDF.fc[myDF.fc$diagnosis == "Ulcerative Colitis",], table(missingN_uc > 0))

  357    23 

As shown above, 23 will be excluded hereafter.

p_sex_uc <- myDF.fc %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Ulcerative Colitis") %>%
  filter(missingN_uc == 0) %>%
  plotCat("sex", class = "class_order")

p_age_uc <- myDF.fc %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Ulcerative Colitis") %>%
  filter(missingN_uc == 0) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = class_order, y = age)) +
  geom_violin(fill = "#5DB7DE", color = "#434371") +
  geom_boxplot(width=0.1, color="black", alpha=0.2) +
  theme_minimal() +
  xlab("Cluster") +
  ylab("Age at diagnosis")

p_smoke_uc <- myDF.fc %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Ulcerative Colitis") %>%
  filter(missingN_uc == 0) %>%
  mutate(Smoke = ifelse(!, Smoke, "Missing")) %>%
  plotCat("Smoke", class = "class_order")

p_extent_uc <- myDF.fc %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Ulcerative Colitis") %>%
  filter(missingN_uc == 0) %>%
  mutate(Extent = ifelse(!, Extent, "Missing")) %>%
  plotCat("Extent", class = "class_order")

p_mlr_uc <- myDF.fc %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Ulcerative Colitis") %>%
  filter(missingN_uc == 0) %>%
  mutate(class_order = relevel(class_order, ref = "FC4")) %>%
  mlrPlot(var = c("age", "sex", "Smoke", "Extent"),
          class = "class_order")
(wrap_elements(p_age_uc) + p_mlr_uc$plot_both$age) /
  (wrap_elements(p_sex_uc) + p_mlr_uc$plot_both$sexMale) +
    plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A", title = "UC patients only")

p <- wrap_elements(p_smoke_uc) + 
  (p_mlr_uc$plot_both$SmokeYes & theme(legend.position = "bottom")) + 
  plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A") &
  theme(plot.tag = element_text(face = "bold", size = 22)) 
       width = 12,
       height = 12,
       units = "in")

p <- wrap_elements(p_extent_uc) + 
  wrap_elements(p_mlr_uc$plot_both$ExtentE2 + p_mlr_uc$plot_both$ExtentE3 +
     plot_layout(guides = "collect") &
                  theme(legend.position = "bottom")) + 
  plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A") + 
  plot_layout(widths = c(1.25, 2)) &
  theme(plot.tag = element_text(face = "bold", size = 22))

       width = 15,
       height = 12,
       units = "in")

(wrap_elements(p_age_uc) + p_mlr_uc$plot_everything$age) /
  (wrap_elements(p_sex_uc) + p_mlr_uc$plot_everything$sexMale) +
    plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A", title = "UC patients only")

wrap_elements(p_smoke_uc) + p_mlr_uc$plot_everything$SmokeYes + 
  plot_annotation(title = "UC patients only")

wrap_elements(p_extent_uc) + 
  (p_mlr_uc$plot_everything$ExtentE2 + ylim(c(-5,5)) + p_mlr_uc$plot_everything$ExtentE3 + ylim(c(-5,5)) +
     plot_layout(guides = "collect")) +
  plot_annotation(title = "UC patients only")
Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range
Removed 2 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale range

Note that, due to small counts of extent E1 in cluster FC3, the model fitted after excluding those with low probability of cluster assignment was subject to numerical issues (complete separation). As such, the associated estimates are excluded from the plot.

Some statistics to be used in the text:

myDF.fc %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Ulcerative Colitis") %>%
  filter(missingN_uc == 0) %>%
  mutate(class_aux = ifelse(class_order %in% c("FC8"), class_order, "Other")) %>%
  group_by(class_aux, sex) %>%
  summarise(count = n()) %>%
  mutate(percentage = (count / sum(count) * 100)) %>%
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'class_aux'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
class_aux sex count percentage
8 Female 7 28.0000
8 Male 18 72.0000
Other Female 167 50.3012
Other Male 165 49.6988
myDF.fc %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Ulcerative Colitis") %>%
  filter(missingN_uc == 0) %>%
  mutate(class_aux = ifelse(class_order %in% c("FC3"), class_order, "Other")) %>%
  group_by(class_aux, Extent) %>%
  summarise(count = n()) %>%
  mutate(percentage = (count / sum(count) * 100)) %>%
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'class_aux'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
class_aux Extent count percentage
3 E1 1 2.439024
3 E2 21 51.219512
3 E3 19 46.341463
Other E1 45 14.240506
Other E2 129 40.822785
Other E3 142 44.936709

Advanced therapy use

Summary statistics of AT use

Here, we focus on AT therapy within the observation period (i.e. seven years since diagnosis). Overall, we observe significant differences in AT across clusters. In particular, after adjusting for age and sex, AT was significantly lower in FC2.

myDF.fc <- myDF.fc %>% 
  mutate(AT_7Y = ifelse(AT == 1 & AT_line_1 <= 7, 1, 0))

p_AT <- myDF.fc %>% 
  mutate(AT_7Y = factor(AT_7Y)) %>%
  plotCat("AT_7Y", class = "class_order")

p_AT_mlr <- myDF.fc %>%
  mutate(AT_7Y = factor(AT_7Y)) %>%
  mutate(class_order = relevel(class_order, ref = "FC4")) %>%
  mlrPlot(var = c("age", "sex", "AT_7Y"),
          class = "class_order")

wrap_elements(p_AT) + p_AT_mlr$plot_both$AT 

Some statistics to be used in the text:


  0   1 
645 391 
myDF.fc %>%
  mutate(class_aux = ifelse(class_order %in% c("FC2"), class_order, "Other")) %>%
  group_by(class_aux, AT_7Y) %>%
  summarise(count = n()) %>%
  mutate(percentage = (count / sum(count) * 100)) 
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'class_aux'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 4 × 4
# Groups:   class_aux [2]
  class_aux AT_7Y count percentage
  <chr>     <dbl> <int>      <dbl>
1 2             0    58       86.6
2 2             1     9       13.4
3 Other         0   587       60.6
4 Other         1   382       39.4

However, as seen below, AT use varies across different IBD types (highest among CD patients, lowest among IBDU) patients.

myDF.fc %>% 
  mutate(AT_7Y = factor(AT_7Y)) %>%
  plotCat("AT_7Y", class = "diagnosis") 

As such, we also stratify cluster-specific AT usage according to IBD type. For this purpose, we exclude IBDU due to its small size.

p_AT_cd <- myDF.fc %>% 
  subset(diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease") %>%
  mutate(AT_7Y = factor(AT_7Y)) %>%
  plotCat("AT_7Y", class = "class_order")
p_AT_uc <- myDF.fc %>% 
  subset(diagnosis == "Ulcerative Colitis") %>%
  mutate(AT_7Y = factor(AT_7Y)) %>%
  plotCat("AT_7Y", class = "class_order")

wrap_elements(p_AT) + ggtitle("CD + UC + IBDU") + 
  wrap_elements(p_AT_cd) + ggtitle("CD only") +
  wrap_elements(p_AT_uc) + ggtitle("UC only")

AT use within the first year

myDF.fc <- myDF.fc %>% 
  mutate(AT_1Y = ifelse(AT == 1 & AT_line_1 <= 1, 1, 0))


  0   1 
863 173 
myDF.fc %>%
  count(AT_1Y, group_by = diagnosis)
  AT_1Y           group_by   n
1     0    Crohn's Disease 415
2     0 Ulcerative Colitis 338
3     0               IBDU 110
4     1    Crohn's Disease 129
5     1 Ulcerative Colitis  42
6     1               IBDU   2
p_AT_1Y <- myDF.fc %>% 
  mutate(AT_1Y = factor(AT_1Y)) %>%
  plotCat("AT_1Y", class = "class_order")

p_AT_1Y_cd <- myDF.fc %>% 
  subset(diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease") %>%
  plotCat("AT_1Y", class = "class_order")

p_AT_1Y_cd <- myDF.fc %>% 
  subset(diagnosis == "Ulcerative Colitis") %>%
  plotCat("AT_1Y", class = "class_order")

We also generate a censored version for AT_1Y where lack of AT is treated as a right censored observation at seven years.

myDF.fc <- myDF.fc %>%
  mutate(AT_line_1_cens = if_else(AT_7Y == 0, 7, as.numeric(AT_line_1))) %>%
  mutate(AT_line_1_cens = if_else(AT_line_1_cens < 0, 0, AT_line_1_cens))
temp <- subset(myDF.fc, diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease")

sum(temp$AT_1Y) / nrow(temp)
[1] 0.2371324
sum(temp$AT_7Y) / nrow(temp)
[1] 0.4963235
temp <- subset(myDF.fc, diagnosis == "Ulcerative Colitis")

sum(temp$AT_1Y) / nrow(temp)
[1] 0.1105263
sum(temp$AT_7Y) / nrow(temp)
[1] 0.2842105

Cumulative AT usage

At present, we cannot show cumulative advanced therapy usage in this document as there are fewer than five subjects within at least one cluster-IBD type stratum. In the meantime, it is possible to view these plots in our manuscript which has digitally removed any strata with fewer than five subjects.

km.df <- data.frame(time = numeric(),
                    cumhaz = numeric(),
                    class = character(),
                    diag = character())

for (g in 1:8) {

  # Calculate cumulative patterns <- myDF.fc %>%
    filter(class_order == paste0("FC", g)) %>%
    filter(diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease")
   temp.uc <- myDF.fc %>%
    filter(class_order == paste0("FC", g)) %>%
    filter(diagnosis == "Ulcerative Colitis")
  km <- survfit(Surv(AT_line_1_cens, AT_7Y) ~ 1, data =
  km.df <- rbind(km.df,
                 data.frame(time = km$time,
                            cumhaz =  1 - km$surv,
                            class = paste0("FC",
                                           ", CD=",
                                           "; UC=",
                            diag = "Crohn's disease"))
  km <- survfit(Surv(AT_line_1_cens, AT_7Y) ~ 1, data = temp.uc) 
  km.df <- rbind(km.df,
                 data.frame(time = km$time,
                            cumhaz =  1 - km$surv,
                            class = paste0("FC",
                                           ", CD=",
                                           "; UC=",
                            diag = "Ulcerative colitis"))
  temp.all <- myDF.fc %>%
    filter(class_order == paste0("FC", g)) 
  km <- survfit(Surv(AT_line_1_cens, AT_7Y) ~ 1, data = temp.all) 
  km.df <- rbind(km.df,
                 data.frame(time = km$time,
                            cumhaz =  1 - km$surv,
                            class = paste0("FC",
                                           ", CD=",
                                           "; UC=",
                            diag = "All"))

p1 <- km.df %>%
  subset(diag != "All") %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = time, y = cumhaz)) +
  geom_line(aes(color = diag), lty = 1, lwd = 1.2) +
  facet_wrap(~class, ncol = 2) +
  theme_minimal() + 
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent, limits = c(0, 0.7)) +
  labs(x = "Time (years)",
       y = "% of subjects receiving an advanced therapy",
       color = "IBD type") +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

       width = 8 * 3/4,
       height = 12 * 3/4,
       units = "in")
       width = 8 * 3/4,
       height = 12 * 3/4,
       units = "in")
km.df %>%
  filter(diag != "All") %>%
  group_by(class, diag) %>%
  summarise(last_value = 100 * last(cumhaz)) %>%
  mutate(class = gsub(",.*", "", class)) %>%
  knitr::kable(col.names = c("Cluster", "Diagnosis", "Total percentage"),
               digits = 1)
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'class'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
Cluster Diagnosis Total percentage
FC1 Crohn’s disease 46.6
FC1 Ulcerative colitis 32.4
FC2 Crohn’s disease 17.6
FC2 Ulcerative colitis 11.5
FC3 Crohn’s disease 40.7
FC3 Ulcerative colitis 39.1
FC4 Crohn’s disease 50.0
FC4 Ulcerative colitis 33.3
FC5 Crohn’s disease 60.7
FC5 Ulcerative colitis 23.5
FC6 Crohn’s disease 60.0
FC6 Ulcerative colitis 38.9
FC7 Crohn’s disease 55.1
FC7 Ulcerative colitis 24.0
FC8 Crohn’s disease 56.8
FC8 Ulcerative colitis 37.9

C-reactive protein analysis

Merge subject-level metadata with model-derived quantities

Here, we create a data.frame that combines individual-level information (e.g. age at diagnosis, sex) with model-derived quantities, such as the posterior probabilities of class assignment. To facilitate visualisation, we also create discretised versions for some variables.

myDF.crp <- crp %>% # may change for crp.median
  group_by(ids) %>%
  summarise( = n(),
            followup = max(crp_time),) %>%
  mutate(followup_cut = cut(followup, breaks = c(0, 2, 4, 6, 7)),
         n.total_cut = cut(, breaks = c(0, 5, 10, 20, max(
myDF.crp <- merge(myDF.crp,
                  by = "ids",
                  all.x = FALSE,
                  all.y = TRUE)
myDF.crp <- myDF.crp %>% 
  mutate(probmax = pmax(prob1, prob2, prob3, prob4, 
                        prob5, prob6, prob7, prob8)) 
myDF.crp<- merge(myDF.crp, dict, by = "ids", all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)

myDF.crp <- myDF.crp %>%
  mutate(class_order = plyr::mapvalues(
    class, from = seq_len(8), to = c(2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 7, 6, 8))) %>%
  mutate(class_order = factor(
    class_order, levels = 1:8, labels = paste0("CRP", 1:8))) %>%
  mutate(prob_order1 = prob3, prob_order2 = prob1,
         prob_order3 = prob2, prob_order4 = prob4,
         prob_order5 = prob5, prob_order6 = prob7,
         prob_order7 = prob6, prob_order8 = prob8)

Uncertainty cluster assignment probabilities

First, we calculate the proportion of individuals assigned to each cluster with probability above 0.5.

p1 <- myDF.crp %>% 
  group_by(class_order) %>%
  summarise(prop50 = 100*mean(probmax > 0.5),
            prop75 = 100*mean(probmax > 0.75)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = class_order, y = prop50)) +
  ylim(c(0,100)) +
  xlab("Assigned cluster") +
  ylab("% assigned with prob > 0.5") +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +


Next, we calculate average posterior probabilities of cluster assignment.

myDF.crp_means <- myDF.crp %>% 
  group_by(class_order, followup_cut) %>%
  summarise(across(starts_with("prob_order"), function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)),
            .groups = "drop") %>%
  pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("prob_order"), names_to = "prob_order")

Figure 1 shows how cluster assignment probabilities change as follow-up for subjects increases. As one would expect, probabilities typically increase as as follow-up increases. This relationship appears to depend upon when the mean trajectory for the assigned cluster substantially differs from the other clusters. FC8 shows high posterior probabilities with even short follow-up as this is the only cluster with low FC at diagnosis. However, longer follow-ups are required to distinguish other clusters. For example, individuals assigned to FC6 that have a short follow-up (< 4 years from diagnosis) have, on average, a high probability of being assigned to FC3 instead ( versus ). This is not unexpected, as FC3 and FC6 share similar patterns within the first 2 years.

# Assign level order otherwise alphanumerical order used 
# and add sample sizes to labels
myDF.crp_means <- myDF.crp_means %>%
  mutate(prob_order = factor(prob_order,
                             levels = c(paste0("prob_order", 1:8)),
                             labels = c(paste0("CRP", 1:8))),
         class_order = factor(class_order,
                              levels = paste0("CRP", 1:8),
                              labels = paste0("Assigned to CRP", 1:8, "\n n = ",

crp_fup <- myDF.crp_means %>%
  ggplot(aes(fill = prob_order, y = value, x = followup_cut)) +
  geom_bar(position = "fill", stat = "identity") +
  facet_wrap(.~class_order, ncol = 4) + 
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(legend.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
        strip.background = element_rect(color = "lightgray",
                                         linewidth = 1.5,
                                         linetype="solid")) +
  labs(x = "Follow-up cutoff (years)",
       y = "",
       fill = "Mean posterior\nprobability of\ncluster assignment") +
  scale_fill_viridis_d(option = "D") 


ggsave("plots/crp-prob-fup.png", crp_fup, width = 11, height = 8, units = "in")
ggsave("plots/crp-prob-fup.pdf", crp_fup, width = 11, height = 8, units = "in")

p <- fc_fup / crp_fup + plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A") & 
  theme(plot.tag = element_text(size = 20, face = "bold"),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 14), 
        legend.text = element_text(size = 12))

       width = 11 * 3/4,
       height = 16 * 3/4,
       units = "in")
       width = 11 * 3/4,
       height = 16 * 3/4,
       units = "in")
Figure 2: Demonstration of how mean posterior probabilities of cluster assignment for subjects changes based upon follow-up and assigned cluster.

Associations with respect to cluster assignments

This section displays descriptive plots to summarize marginal associations between cluster assignments and individual-level covariates. We also explore univariate and multivariate associations with respect to cluster assignment using multinomial logistic regression. As a sensitivity analysis, we also consider restricting the analysis to only consider individuals whose class assignment was less uncertain (with posterior probability > 0.5).

For all individuals

Here, we consider associations with respect to information available at diagnosis: age, sex and IBD type.

p_diagnosis_all <- myDF.crp %>%
  plotCat("diagnosis", class = "class_order") 

p_sex_all <- myDF.crp %>%
  plotCat("sex", class = "class_order")

p_age_all <- myDF.crp %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = class_order, y = age)) +
  geom_violin(fill = "#5DB7DE", color = "#434371") +
  geom_boxplot(width = 0.1, color="black", alpha = 0.2) +
  theme_minimal() +
  xlab("Cluster") +
  ylab("Age at diagnosis")

p_mlr_all <- myDF.crp %>%
  mutate(class_order = relevel(class_order, ref = "CRP8")) %>%
  mlrPlot(var = c("diagnosis", "age", "sex"), class = "class_order") 
p <- wrap_elements(p_diagnosis_all) +
  wrap_elements(p_mlr_all$plot_both$`diagnosisUlcerative Colitis` + 
                  p_mlr_all$plot_both$`diagnosisIBDU` +
                  plot_layout(guides = "collect") &
                  theme(legend.position = "bottom")) +
  plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A") + 
  plot_layout(widths = c(1.25, 2)) &
  theme(plot.tag = element_text(face = "bold", size = 22)) 

       width = 15,
       height = 12,
       units = "in",
       create.dir = TRUE)


p <- (wrap_elements(p_age_all) + p_mlr_all$plot_both$age & theme(legend.position = "none")) /
  (wrap_elements(p_sex_all) + p_mlr_all$plot_both$sexMale +
                  plot_layout(guides = "collect") &
                  theme(legend.position = "bottom")) +
  plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A") +
  plot_layout(widths = c(1, 1)) &
  theme(plot.tag = element_text(face = "bold", size  = 22))

       width = 12,
       height = 12,
       units = "in")

Restricted to those with posterior probability > 0.5

p_diagnosis <- myDF.crp %>%
  filter(probmax > 0.5) %>%
  plotCat("diagnosis", class = "class_order") 

p_sex <- myDF.crp %>%
  filter(probmax > 0.5) %>%
  plotCat("sex", class = "class_order")

p_age <- myDF.crp %>%
  filter(probmax > 0.5) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = class_order, y = age)) +
  geom_violin(fill = "#5DB7DE", color = "#434371") +
  geom_boxplot(width=0.1, color="black", alpha=0.2) +
  theme_minimal() +
  xlab("Cluster") +
  ylab("Age at diagnosis")

#p_mlr <- myDF.crp %>%
#  filter(probmax > 0.5) %>%
#  mutate(class_order = relevel(class_order, ref = "CRP8")) %>%
#  mlrPlot(var = c("diagnosis", "age", "sex"), class = "class_order") # , "baseline_fc"

#wrap_elements(p_diagnosis_all) +
#  wrap_elements(p_mlr_all$plot_both$`diagnosisUlcerative Colitis` + 
#                  p_mlr_all$plot_both$`diagnosisIBDU` + plot_layout(guides = "collect")) +
#  plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A", title = "All subjects")

#(wrap_elements(p_age_all) + p_mlr_all$plot_both$age) /
#  (wrap_elements(p_sex_all) + p_mlr_all$plot_both$sexMale) +
#    plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A", title = "All subjects")

Some statistics to be used in the text:

#myDF.crp %>%
#  mutate(class_aux = ifelse(class_order %in% c("CRP1", "CRP3", "CRP4", "CRP7"), class_order, "Other")) %>%
#  group_by(class_aux, diagnosis) %>%
#  summarise(count = n()) %>%
#  mutate(percentage = (count / sum(count) * 100)) %>%
#  knitr::kable()

#myDF.crp %>%
#  mutate(class_aux = ifelse(class_order %in% c("FC1", "FC8"), class_order, "Other")) %>%
#  group_by(class_aux, diagnosis) %>%
#  summarise(count = n()) %>%
#  mutate(percentage = (count / sum(count) * 100)) %>%
#  knitr::kable()

#myDF.crp %>%
#  mutate(class_aux = ifelse(class_order %in% c("FC7"), class_order, "Other")) %>%
#  group_by(class_aux, diagnosis) %>%
#  summarise(count = n()) %>%
#  mutate(percentage = (count / sum(count) * 100)) %>%
#  knitr::kable()

Crohn’s disease only

For CD patients, we also consider additional phenotyping information. This includes the following information:


This is recorded as a binary (Yes/No) variable and is primarily based on self-reporting. As such, it may not necessarily reflect true smoking status. Smoking was missing for approximately 6% of CD patients in the FC cohort.

Montreal location

Montreal location refers to where gastrointestinal inflammation is present and is categorised as:

  • L1: Ileal, limited to the ileum which is the final segment of the small intestine.
  • L2: Colonic, limited to the colon/large intestine.
  • L3: Ileocolonic, inflammation is present in both the ileum and colon.

Montreal location was missing for approximately 3% of CD patients in the FC cohort.

Montreal behaviour

Montreal behaviour describes another clinical phenotype and is defined as follows:

  • B1: Inflammatory, in other words non-stricturing and non-penetrating
  • B2: Stricturing, where the formation of fibrosis leads to the narrowing of the intestine.
  • B3: Penetrating, where the inflammation causes the formation of fistulas or abscesses.

Due to small numbers, B2 and B3 are merged into a single group (complicated CD) when analysing Montreal behaviour.

myDF.crp <- myDF.crp %>%
  mutate(Behaviour_merged = plyr::mapvalues(Behaviour,
                                      from = c("B1", "B2", "B3", NA),
                                      to = c("B1", "B2 or B3", "B2 or B3", NA)))

Montreal behaviour was missing for approximately 3% of CD patients in the FC cohort.

Upper GI inflammation

Upper GI inflammation refers to any gastrointestinal inflammation further up than the ileum. Usually, upper inflammation is considered a modifier for Montreal location and is denoted L4. Upper GI inflammation (L4) was missing for a high proportion of CD individuals in the FC cohort (approx 3% This is because the required investigations are only carried out where upper GI inflammation is suspected. As such, we have manually mapped missing L4 values as “No” (i.e. no upper GI inflammation for the associated patients).

myDF.crp <- myDF.crp %>%
  mutate(L4 = ifelse(!, L4, "No"))

Perianal disease

Perianal disease is considered a modifier for Montreal behaviour and is a severe complication of Crohn’s disease involving inflammation around the anus.

Perianal disease status was missing for approximately 2% of CD patients in the FC cohort.

NOTE: For the purposes of the multinomial logistic regression model, individuals with missing values in any of these variables will be excluded. For consistency, such individuals will also be excluded from the univariate summary plots.

For this purpose, we create a missingness indicator (missingN_cd) which will facilitate the application of such filter.

myDF.crp <- myDF.crp %>%
  mutate(missingN_cd = + + + 

with(myDF.crp[myDF.crp$diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease",], table(missingN_cd > 0))

  744    61 

As shown above, 61 will be excluded hereafter.

Here is the code to explore the associations:

p_sex_cd <- myDF.crp %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease") %>%
  filter(missingN_cd == 0) %>%
  plotCat("sex", class = "class_order")

p_age_cd <- myDF.crp %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease") %>%
  filter(missingN_cd == 0) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = class_order, y = age)) +
  geom_violin(fill = "#5DB7DE", color = "#434371") +
  geom_boxplot(width=0.1, color="black", alpha=0.2) +
  theme_minimal() +
  xlab("Cluster") +
  ylab("Age at diagnosis")

p_smoke_cd <- myDF.crp %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease") %>%
  filter(missingN_cd == 0) %>%
  mutate(Smoke = ifelse(!, Smoke, "Missing")) %>%
  plotCat("Smoke", class = "class_order")

p_location_cd <- myDF.crp %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease") %>%
  filter(missingN_cd == 0) %>%
  mutate(Location = ifelse(!, Location, "Missing")) %>%
  plotCat("Location", class = "class_order")

p_behaviour_cd <- myDF.crp %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease") %>%
  filter(missingN_cd == 0) %>%
  mutate(Behaviour = ifelse(!, Behaviour_merged, "Missing")) %>%
  plotCat("Behaviour", class = "class_order")

p_L4_cd <- myDF.crp %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease") %>%
  filter(missingN_cd == 0) %>%
  mutate(L4 = ifelse(!, L4, "Missing")) %>%
  plotCat("L4", class = "class_order")

p_perianal_cd <- myDF.crp %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease") %>%
  filter(missingN_cd == 0) %>%
  mutate(Perianal = ifelse(!, Perianal, "Missing")) %>%
  plotCat("Perianal", class = "class_order")

p_mlr_cd <- myDF.crp %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease") %>%
  filter(missingN_cd == 0) %>%
  mutate(class_order = relevel(class_order, ref = "CRP8")) %>%
  mlrPlot(var = c("age", "sex", "Smoke", "Location", "L4", "Behaviour_merged"), 
          class = "class_order")
(wrap_elements(p_age_cd) + p_mlr_cd$plot_both$age) /
  (wrap_elements(p_sex_cd) + p_mlr_cd$plot_both$sexMale) +
    plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A", title = "CD patients only")

p <- wrap_elements(p_smoke_cd) +
  (p_mlr_cd$plot_both$SmokeYes & theme(legend.position = "bottom")) + 
  plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A") &
  theme(plot.tag = element_text(face = "bold", size = 22)) 

       width = 12,
       height = 12,
       units = "in")
p <- wrap_elements(p_location_cd) + 
  wrap_elements(p_mlr_cd$plot_both$LocationL2 + p_mlr_cd$plot_both$LocationL3 + 
     plot_layout(guides = "collect") &
                  theme(legend.position = "bottom")) + 
  plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A") + 
  plot_layout(widths = c(1.25, 2)) &
  theme(plot.tag = element_text(face = "bold", size = 22)) 

       width = 15,
       height = 12,
       units = "in")

p <- wrap_elements(p_L4_cd) +
  (p_mlr_cd$plot_both$L4Yes & theme(legend.position = "bottom")) +
  plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A") &
  theme(plot.tag = element_text(face = "bold", size = 22)) 

       width = 12,
       height = 12,
       units = "in")


p <- wrap_elements(p_behaviour_cd) +
  (p_mlr_cd$plot_both$`Behaviour_mergedB2 or B3` & theme(legend.position = "bottom")) +
  plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A") &
  theme(plot.tag = element_text(face = "bold", size = 22)) 
       width = 12,
       height = 12,
       units = "in")


Some statistics to be used in the text:

myDF.crp %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease") %>%
  filter(missingN_cd == 0) %>%
  mutate(class_aux = ifelse(class_order %in% c("FC1", "FC2"), class_order, "Other")) %>%
  group_by(class_aux, L4) %>%
  summarise(count = n()) %>%
  mutate(percentage = (count / sum(count) * 100)) %>%
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'class_aux'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
class_aux L4 count percentage
Other No 660 88.70968
Other Yes 84 11.29032
myDF.crp %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease") %>%
  filter(missingN_cd == 0) %>%
  mutate(class_aux = ifelse(class_order %in% c("CRP1", "CRP8"), class_order, "Other")) %>%
  group_by(class_aux, Smoke) %>%
  summarise(count = n()) %>%
  mutate(percentage = (count / sum(count) * 100)) %>%
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'class_aux'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
class_aux Smoke count percentage
1 No 125 73.09942
1 Yes 46 26.90058
8 No 29 46.03175
8 Yes 34 53.96825
Other No 323 63.33333
Other Yes 187 36.66667

Ulcerative Colitis only

The additional phenotyping information available for UC patients consists of:


This is defined in the same way as for CD patients.

Smoking was missing for approximately 8% of UC patients in the FC cohort.


NOTE: As for CD cases, individuals with missing values in any of these variables will be excluded from the association analysis. For consistency, such individuals will also be excluded from the univariate summary plots.

For this purpose, we create a missingness indicator (missingN_uc) which will facilitate the application of such filter.

myDF.crp <- myDF.crp %>%
  mutate(missingN_uc = +

with(myDF.crp[myDF.crp$diagnosis == "Ulcerative Colitis",], table(missingN_uc > 0))

  764    83 

As shown above, 83 will be excluded hereafter.

p_sex_uc <- myDF.crp %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Ulcerative Colitis") %>%
  filter(missingN_uc == 0) %>%
  plotCat("sex", class = "class_order")

p_age_uc <- myDF.crp %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Ulcerative Colitis") %>%
  filter(missingN_uc == 0) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = class_order, y = age)) +
  geom_violin(fill = "#5DB7DE", color = "#434371") +
  geom_boxplot(width=0.1, color="black", alpha=0.2) +
  theme_minimal() +
  xlab("Cluster") +
  ylab("Age at diagnosis")

p_smoke_uc <- myDF.crp %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Ulcerative Colitis") %>%
  filter(missingN_uc == 0) %>%
  mutate(Smoke = ifelse(!, Smoke, "Missing")) %>%
  plotCat("Smoke", class = "class_order")

p_extent_uc <- myDF.crp %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Ulcerative Colitis") %>%
  filter(missingN_uc == 0) %>%
  mutate(Extent = ifelse(!, Extent, "Missing")) %>%
  plotCat("Extent", class = "class_order")

p_mlr_uc <- myDF.crp %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Ulcerative Colitis") %>%
  filter(missingN_uc == 0) %>%
  mutate(class_order = relevel(class_order, ref = "CRP8")) %>%
  mlrPlot(var = c("age", "sex", "Smoke", "Extent"),
          class = "class_order")
p <- wrap_elements(p_extent_uc) + 
  wrap_elements(p_mlr_uc$plot_both$ExtentE2 + p_mlr_uc$plot_both$ExtentE3 +
     plot_layout(guides = "collect") &
                  theme(legend.position = "bottom")) + 
  plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A") + 
  plot_layout(widths = c(1.25, 2)) &
  theme(plot.tag = element_text(face = "bold", size = 22))

       width = 15,
       height = 12,
       units = "in")

(wrap_elements(p_age_uc) + p_mlr_uc$plot_everything$age) /
  (wrap_elements(p_sex_uc) + p_mlr_uc$plot_everything$sexMale) +
    plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A", title = "UC patients only")

wrap_elements(p_smoke_uc) + p_mlr_uc$plot_everything$SmokeYes + 
  plot_annotation(title = "UC patients only")

Some statistics to be used in the text:

myDF.crp %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Ulcerative Colitis") %>%
  filter(missingN_uc == 0) %>%
  mutate(class_aux = ifelse(class_order %in% c("FC8"), class_order, "Other")) %>%
  group_by(class_aux, sex) %>%
  summarise(count = n()) %>%
  mutate(percentage = (count / sum(count) * 100)) %>%
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'class_aux'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
class_aux sex count percentage
Other Female 341 44.63351
Other Male 423 55.36649
myDF.crp %>%
  filter(diagnosis == "Ulcerative Colitis") %>%
  filter(missingN_uc == 0) %>%
  mutate(class_aux = ifelse(class_order %in% c("FC3"), class_order, "Other")) %>%
  group_by(class_aux, Extent) %>%
  summarise(count = n()) %>%
  mutate(percentage = (count / sum(count) * 100)) %>%
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'class_aux'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.
class_aux Extent count percentage
Other E1 147 19.24084
Other E2 311 40.70681
Other E3 306 40.05236

Advanced therapy use

Overall cluster-specific trajectories

Here, we extract overall cluster-specific trajectories as these will be used for visualisation purposes in order to better understand patterns of AT use. Note that model outputs do not match the reordered clusters (based on cumulative inflammation) used throughout this report. As such, we use title.mapping to re-order the trajectories when these are plotted.

time.pred <- seq(0, 7, by = 0.01)

pred.crp.df <- data.frame(
      crp_time = c(time.pred, time.pred),
      diagnosis = c(
        rep("Crohn's Disease", length(time.pred)),
        rep("Ulcerative Colitis", length(time.pred))
pred.crp.df.update <- lcmm::predictY(model.crp,
                                    var.time = "crp_time",
                                    draws = TRUE

pred <- predictY(model.crp,
                 var.time = "crp_time",
                 draws = TRUE)$pred

pred <-[1:length(time.pred), ])
pred$time <- time.pred

ylimit <- log(2500)
title.mapping <- c(2, 3, 1, 4, 5, 7, 6, 8)

Summary statistics of AT use

Overall, we observe significant differences in AT across clusters. In particular, after adjusting for age and sex, AT was significantly lower in FC2.

myDF.crp <- myDF.crp %>% 
  mutate(AT_7Y = ifelse(AT == 1 & AT_line_1 <= 7, 1, 0))

p_AT <- myDF.crp %>% 
  mutate(AT_7Y = factor(AT_7Y)) %>%
  plotCat("AT_7Y", class = "class_order")

p_AT_mlr <- myDF.crp %>%
  mutate(AT_7Y = factor(AT_7Y)) %>%
  mutate(class_order = relevel(class_order, ref = "CRP8")) %>%
  mlrPlot(var = c("age", "sex", "AT_7Y"),
          class = "class_order")

wrap_elements(p_AT) + p_AT_mlr$plot_both$AT 

However, as seen below, AT use varies across different IBD types (highest among CD patients, lowest among IBDU) patients.

myDF.crp %>% 
  mutate(AT_7Y = factor(AT_7Y)) %>%
  plotCat("AT_7Y", class = "diagnosis") 

As such, we also stratify cluster-specific AT usage according to IBD type. For this purpose, we exclude IBDU due to its small size.

p_AT_cd <- myDF.crp %>% 
  subset(diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease") %>%
  mutate(AT_7Y = factor(AT_7Y)) %>%
  plotCat("AT_7Y", class = "class_order")
p_AT_uc <- myDF.crp %>% 
  subset(diagnosis == "Ulcerative Colitis") %>%
  mutate(AT_7Y = factor(AT_7Y)) %>%
  plotCat("AT_7Y", class = "class_order")

wrap_elements(p_AT) + ggtitle("CD + UC + IBDU") + 
  wrap_elements(p_AT_cd) + ggtitle("CD only") +
  wrap_elements(p_AT_uc) + ggtitle("UC only")

AT use within the first year

myDF.crp <- myDF.crp %>% 
  mutate(AT_1Y = ifelse(AT == 1 & AT_line_1 <= 1, 1, 0))


   0    1 
1634  204 
#myDF.crp %>%
#  count(AT_1Y, group_by = diagnosis)

p_AT_1Y <- myDF.crp %>% 
  mutate(AT_1Y = factor(AT_1Y)) %>%
  plotCat("AT_1Y", class = "class_order")

p_AT_1Y_cd <- myDF.crp %>% 
  subset(diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease") %>%
  plotCat("AT_1Y", class = "class_order")

p_AT_1Y_cd <- myDF.crp %>% 
  subset(diagnosis == "Ulcerative Colitis") %>%
  plotCat("AT_1Y", class = "class_order")

We also generate a censored version for AT_1Y where lack of AT is treated as a right censored observation at seven years.

myDF.crp <- myDF.crp %>%
  mutate(AT_line_1_cens = if_else(AT_7Y == 0, 7, as.numeric(AT_line_1))) %>%
  mutate(AT_line_1_cens = if_else(AT_line_1_cens < 0, 0, AT_line_1_cens))
temp <- subset(myDF.crp, diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease")

sum(temp$AT_1Y) / nrow(temp)
[1] 0.2074534
sum(temp$AT_7Y) / nrow(temp)
[1] 0.4645963
temp <- subset(myDF.crp, diagnosis == "Ulcerative Colitis")

sum(temp$AT_1Y) / nrow(temp)
[1] 0.04132231
sum(temp$AT_7Y) / nrow(temp)
[1] 0.1003542

Cumulative AT usage

At present, we cannot show cumulative advanced therapy usage in this document as there are fewer than five subjects within at least one cluster-IBD type stratum. In the meantime, it is possible to view these plots in our manuscript which has digitally removed any strata with fewer than five subjects.

km.df <- data.frame(time = numeric(),
                    cumhaz = numeric(),
                    class = character(),
                    diag = character())

for (g in 1:8) {

  # Calculate cumulative patterns <- myDF.crp %>%
    filter(class_order == paste0("CRP", g)) %>%
    filter(diagnosis == "Crohn's Disease")
  temp.uc <- myDF.crp %>%
    filter(class_order == paste0("CRP", g)) %>%
    filter(diagnosis == "Ulcerative Colitis")
  km <- survfit(Surv(AT_line_1_cens, AT_7Y) ~ 1, data =
  km.df <- rbind(km.df,
                 data.frame(time = km$time,
                            cumhaz =  1 - km$surv,
                            class = paste0("CRP",
                                           ", CD=",
                                           "; UC=",
                            diag = "Crohn's disease"))
  km <- survfit(Surv(AT_line_1_cens, AT_7Y) ~ 1, data = temp.uc) 
  km.df <- rbind(km.df,
                 data.frame(time = km$time,
                            cumhaz =  1 - km$surv,
                            class = paste0("CRP",
                                           ", CD=",
                                           "; UC=",
                            diag = "Ulcerative colitis"))
  temp.all <- myDF.crp %>%
    filter(class_order == paste0("CRP", g)) 
  km <- survfit(Surv(AT_line_1_cens, AT_7Y) ~ 1, data = temp.all) 
  km.df <- rbind(km.df,
                 data.frame(time = km$time,
                            cumhaz =  1 - km$surv,
                            class = paste0("CRP",
                                           ", CD=",
                                           "; UC=",
                            diag = "All"))

p1 <- km.df %>%
  subset(diag != "All") %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = time, y = cumhaz)) +
  geom_line(aes(color = diag), lty = 1, lwd = 1.2) +
  facet_wrap(~class, ncol = 2) +
  theme_minimal() + 
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent, limits = c(0, 0.7)) +
  labs(x = "Time (years)",
       y = "% of subjects receiving an advanced therapy",
       color = "IBD type") +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

ggsave("paper/CRP-AT.pdf", p1, width = 8 * 3/4, height = 12 * 3/4, units = "in")
ggsave("paper/CRP-AT.png", p1, width = 8 * 3/4, height = 12 * 3/4, units = "in")
#km.df %>%
#  filter(diag != "All") %>%
#  group_by(class, diag) %>%
#  summarise(last_value = 100 * last(cumhaz)) %>%
#  mutate(class = gsub(",.*", "", class)) %>%
#  knitr::kable(col.names = c("Cluster", "Diagnosis", "Total percentage"),
#               digits = 1)

Demographics table


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